Parenting Workshops

Parenting workshops just for premmie parents

Attend a Premmie Parenting workshop while your little one is still admitted to the NICU. This will provide you with valuable, practical and up-to-date research-based information to help you cope with prematurity, interact and bond with your little one (even the very ill baby) and just enjoy the time in the hospital, instead of experiencing it as negative. Parents, grandparents and nannies will find these workshops very valuable. Find a licensed Little Steps® Premmie Parenting Consultant in your area and ask to see her/his valid license certificate (to be renewed annually). This will ensure that you really get the latest information.

Premmie Parenting Workshop program

These workshops cover topics such as understanding your premmie, communicating with your premmie, handling and interacting with your premmie, feeding of the preterm baby and preparing for discharge.


More talks and workshops

Talks are also available for expecting parents and parents of full term, healthy babies.  Arrange a workshop or talk at your office or support group on the following topics:

  • Pregnancy and birth decisions. What to know before you decide.
    • Include choosing a hospital/birth centre and your caregiver.
    • Ante natal classes – only for normal deliveries?
    • How to choose an antenatal class – hospital, private or friends?
    • What is the difference between different kinds of deliveries – normal or Caesar, Epidural or not, water birth?
  • Fetal (pregnancy) developmental and stimulation
  • Considerations in multiple pregnancy and birth
  • Breast or bottle-feeding? – The effect on your baby, but also on mom.
  • All about breastfeeding: before and after birth
  • Baby stimulation (including the role of reflexes)
  • Which products to use for your baby – the things nobody tells you
  • Birth methods: the effect on mom and on your baby’s development
  • All for grandparents – what changed in pregnancy, childbirth and parenting
  • The premmie at home (first year of life)
  • Double (or more) joy: How does a multiple pregnancy differ and what should I be prepared for?


These talks are subject to availability of presenters.  To enquire, send an e-mail to

for more information

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